Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Noelle's - The Custom Cookie Company

Last Friday, I got basket of goodies from Noelle's Custom Cookie Company. Noelle's specializes in gingerbread and will create a custom cookie for any occasion. Holiday cookies, wedding-themed cookies, even corporate logos- Noelle can do it all!

These cookies are a delicate balance of sweetness with a touch of gingery spice. Reading the ingredient list, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Noelle uses only common household ingredients in her cookies: molasses, ginger and cloves, with nary a chemical in sight! But you know what they say about a picture being worth a thousand words...


  1. OMG Now I am hungry!

  2. noelle's cookies are fabulous! she is incredibly creative and, once you get over the idea that you don't want to eat something so pretty, the cookies taste divine!

    she did custom gift baskets for an event that i did a few years ago ...

  3. haha- yeah, that took a couple minutes...then I was ok with demolishing the cookies!
